Mobile Hypoxia Trainer for F-35 Pilots

News content from SAFE Europe corporate partners.

Mobile Hypoxia Trainer for F-35 Pilots

May 2020, the Dutch Ministry of Defence has awarded AEOLUS a new project: the development of a mobile hypoxia trainer for F-35 pilots. We are proud to be part of this cooperation between TNO Human Factors, multiSIM BV and the Royal Netherlands Air Force / Center for Man in Aviation (CML). The innovation department AIR of RNLAF and Dutch (and possibly international) F-35 pilots will be involved in this project as well.

 F35 Sim


This new human factors trainer enables F-35 pilots to experience, recognise and train responses to hypoxia in the F-35 cockpit simulator during mission related tasks. The 5thGen Air Force requires this training to be tailormade to the F-35 enriched with cognitive challenging training scenario’s during flight tasks. The standard hypoxia training, provided by CML for many decades in their hypobaric chambers, will be transformed into a training on an F-35 full-flight-simulator in which a Reduced Oxygen Breathing Device (ROBD) will be integrated. Flight scenario’s and hypoxia effects will be linked, creating a much more realistic training. The training environment will be mobile, enabling hypoxia training on-site at both Leeuwarden and Volkel Airbase as well as at CML in Soesterberg.

F-35 simulator

TNO will use its brand-new F-35 flight simulator “GeMFIRE”, acquired from the US-based companies Bugeye Technologies (hardware) and Charles River Analytics (software). In the Netherlands, multiSIM BV will integrate the F-35 and ROBD device into their D-SIM and D-WORLD mission simulation software to create effective training scenario’s.

Human Tech Campus

This mobile hypoxia trainer will be developed on the Human Tech Campus in Soesterberg (NL), as innovation project within the AEOLUS Human Performance Innovation Centre.

More information:

 F35 SIM Logos

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